Florida Gourd Arts Festival Feb. 23-25, 2024
Theme: Steampunk Gourds
Information for Vendors and Growers
Set up on Thursday Feb. 22, after 12:00 noon
Dear Vendors and Growers,
We are up and running for the 2024 Florida Gourd Arts Festival. The 2023 was a great success and we are hoping next year will be better than ever. We will do our best to spread out the booths and leave ample room in the aisles for shopping safety.
Booths are always first come, first served. Unless you request otherwise you will be placed in the same or close to the space you had last year.
Indoor booths (about 10’ x 10’) for vendors will include one/two table(s) and chair, may have electricity.
Additional tables (8’) are $10.
Growers will be in the front of the building on the grass and will need to provide their own tents, tables etc. at $180.
Spaces are approximately 600 square feet.
Your payment and contract must be received by Dec. 1, 2023.
However, the dates the contract/checks are received will be noted for first come, first served on spaces.
Listed below is information concerning layout and prices. Fees are based on size:
One booth 10’ x10’ one/two tables one chair $ 80
Two booths 10’ x 20’ two/three tables 2 chairs 160
Three booths 10’ x 30’ 4 tables/3 chairs 240
Larger 25’ x 25’ 5 tables/3 chairs 300
Growers outside $180
Tents outside $65 no tables or chairs provided
All vendors/growers are asked to provide items for the silent auction.
RV spaces are available, vendors have first choice. Please mark your contract but don’t send money. A Fee of $15 per night goes to Azan Shriners Center upon your arrival.
For further information: fondahaddad@cfl.rr.com or call 321-298-2796.
Make check payable to FGS, Inc.
Send payment to:
Fonda Haddad
P. O. Box 2107
Titusville, FL 32781
Thank you for your interest in the 2023 Florida Gourd Arts Festival!
Vendor Chair: Fonda Haddad
Show Chairs: Misty Flynn and Mona Webb